Etter at jeg fikk
denne boka til jul, har jeg prøvd å lese meg opp på noen klassikere. En av bøkene jeg plukket ut var "The Return of the Soldier" av Rebecca West.

Fra forlagets omtale:
A strange woman arrives at the door with unsettling news for Jenny and her sister-in-law Kitty: Jenny’s husband has lost his memory while fighting in the war. As their solider returns home, the women discover that his mind is stuck on the woman he loved fifteen years before—the same woman who first delivered the news of his memory loss and whom Jenny and Kitty regard as socially beneath them. As they care for him and react to this news, they come to understand the power of love—past, present, unrequited, and unconditional.
Psychologically astute, West’s unforgettable first work of fiction reveals her innate skill at understanding the constructs of class that hamper people’s attempts to connect with one another.
Jeg er sannelig ikke sikker på om jeg ville hatt med denne boka hvis jeg selv skulle laget en liste over 1001 bøker man må lese før man dør. Den er godt skrevet, jeg setter meg inn i hvordan de ulike rollefigurene har det og den er engasjerende. Allikevel likte jeg den ikke kjempegodt. Terningkast fire fra meg, under tvil.
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