mandag 28. juli 2014

Under a Croatian Sun

Jeg har lest "Under a Crotatian Sun" av Anthony Stancomb, en bok om et engelsk par som bryter opp fra det travle livet for å etablere seg på en kroatisk idyllisk øy. Historien er sann og det er kanskje derfor hele boka føles litt som en skolestil. Forfatteren er ikke en stor formidler synes jeg og språket er ikke imponerende.

Fra omslaget:
Many of us have dreamed about upping sticks, leaving the humdrum of urban living for a new life of blue skies, warm sunshine and sparkling seas. For Anthony and Ivana Stancomb, moving from Fulham to Vis, the remotest island off the coast of Croatia, was easy, but fitting in with the locals was one of the hardest things they ever had to do. 

Under a Croatian Sun takes the reader on a journey from th grey skies of Britain to a ramshackle village in Croatia - a village proudly defined by its tragic history, its unique cafe culture, its fishing, and its potent alcohol. Faced with a language barrier and not the friendliest of locals, little by little our undaunted couple become islanders in their own right, and a few hearts are melted in the process. 

With the Adriatic Sea as a backdrop, we trace their transformation from foreigners to friends, taking in their adventures with risky boats, fierce grandmothers, star-crossed lovers and th establishment of Croatia's first ever cricket team. This warming account of following your heart, not your head shows how, with a bit of courage and an open mind, home is wherever you make it. 

Jeg likte altså bare denne sånn måtelig og knapt nok det. Hadde jeg ikke vært på ferie og dette var den siste i bunken av bøker i kofferten, hadde den ikke blitt fullført. Terningkast to fra meg. 

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