Dette var imidlertid en bok det var greit å lese. Ikke storslagen litteratur, men engasjerende og passe for bassengkanten. Beskrivelsene av ungdomstiden er troverdige og jeg tenker at dette godt kunne vært en bok man leste i engelsktimene på videregående. Jeg tror ikke den finnes i norsk oversettelse, men den har et lettlest og greit engelsk.
Fra omslaget:
The exams are finally over, the sun is shining and celebration is in the air. For twins Chole and Alex the future looks bright, if a bit uncertain. But turbulence is not far from the horizon.
It begins when Alex is in a car crash on the way home from a drinking binge with friends. Miraculously, he escapes with just cuts and bruises, but the driver's life hangs in the balance. Alex tells himself it's only a matter of time before his friend 'wakes up', but his free and easy ways are put to the ultimate test over the dramatic weeks to follow.
For Chole, insecurities begin to chip away at the edges of her outwardly balanced world: her relationship with Sam, her drama and school chances, her weight. Her friends are worried that she's getting too thin. But thin is not what Chole sees when she looks in the mirror.
A holiday to Ayia Napa with the gang promises to be the escape everyone needs, the ideal bridge between school and real life. But as the party rages on, Alex and Chole realise that there are some things that you can't escape from - as they struggle to find the somewhere at the other side of somewhere in between.
Jeg synes altså at dette er en bra bok, den beskriver godt tenåringers strev med å finne sin sosiale plass og beholde den. Jeg synes kanskje spiseproblemene til Chole blir litt lettvint beskrevet, men så er vel dette også en lettbent og enkel bok. Anbefales til voksne som vil mimre om ungdommen og til ungdom som står midt oppe i det. Terningkast fire fra meg.
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